The Conspiracy to Rule the World

This chart began circulating in the early 1990's and its origin is unknown. Based on the year of each organization's inception, it would have been drawn somewhere between 1985 and 1991. Though this is what one would refer to as "historical" due to its age, for the most part the structure is the same then as it is now.

In 2014, published a redrawn interactive version of the diagram with a comprhensive timeline of how this power structure came to be. You can check that out at the link below. 

Click here to view a high-resolution PDF of the chart above.

Actualitycheck seeks to provide an information collection on the diagram that is as thorough and as comprehensive as possible. I want to make clear that the chart does not have validity without the research that well establishes the facts presented. 

Order of the Illuminati   (est. 1776)

List of Organizations Found on Chart:

House of Rothschild (est. 1743)

The Order of the Illuminati (est. 1776)

International Committee for Sexual Equality (est. 1951)

Hell Fire Club, Boston (est. 1719)

Hell Fire Club, London (est. 1719)

Council of Thirteen (est. 1775)

League of Just Men (est. 1836)

Grand Druid Council (est. 1775)

The Kahila (est. 1530)

The Order: Chapter 322 Skull & Bones -Yale (est. 1833)

Scroll & Key Society (est. 1841)

Pilgrims Society (est. 1902)

Mattachine Society (est. 1950)

Republican Party/Democratic Party (est. 1828/1854)

Bilderberg Group: Council of 500 (est. 1954)

Atlantic Council (est. 1961)

Federal Reserve (est. 1913)

United Nations (est. 1945)

The Group: Rhodes-Milner-Round Table -Oxford (est. 1877-1890)

Society for Physical Research (est. 1822)

London School of Economics (est. 1895)

British Labour Party (est. 1890)

Fabian Socialist Society (est. 1884)

Club of Rome (est. 1968)

BEAST Computer (est. 1970)

New School for Social Research (est. 1919)

EU/European Common Market (est. 1957)

Royal Institute for International Affairs aka "Chatam House" (est. 1920)

Tavistock Institute (est. 1946)

World Peace Council (est. )

GRU (est. )

MI5 (est. )

League for Industrial Democracy (est. )

Students for a Democratic Society (est. )

Progressive Labour Party (est. )

Weatherman Underground (est. )

Socialist Party USA (est. )

House of Rockefeller (est. 1810)

Mafia (est. 1850)

>Harris Poll>Gallup Poll>Roper Poll

Council on Foreign Relations (est. 1921)

RAND Corp (est. 1948)

Institute for Policy Studies (est. 1963)

Bohemian Club

Trilateral Commission