House Of Rothschild

                                                                          EST. 1743

The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia.

The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.
You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews.

These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.
So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the so-called persecution of the Jews, consider this, every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew.
Therefore when all these Prime Ministers have curried favour with the West for their re-establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews.

The most wealthy bloodline in the world bar none and the leader of the Ashkenazi Jews in the world today is the Rothschild family. As you will see in the timeline, the Rothschilds have obtained this position through lies, manipulation and murder.

Their bloodline also extends into the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn.

However, these are not the only bloodlines to worry about. You are probably aware of the centuries old pratice undertaken by many Ashkenazi Jews whereby they would change their name, in order for them to appear part of the dominant race of the country in which they lived, so as they could obtain influential positions in that country, which they would then exploit to serve their real masters elsewhere. There is plenty of evidence to prove the Rothschilds continue that deceptive tradition.

Furthermore the Rothschilds are known to sire many children secretly that they can put into positions of power when required.

This started with the very first man who took the name Rothschild, who had a secret sixth son. Finally, remember the world is a diverse place, I could if I wanted change my name to Rothschild, or any of the names listed above, and that would not make me part of this family anymore than converting to Judaism in 740 A.D. will make these Ashkenazis Jewish.

Please, therefore, do not automatically assume someone you see with the name Rothschild or any of the names listed above are part of the Rothschild criminal network. Furthermore and most importantly, the majority of Ashkenazi Jews are innocent and not part of this network.

Check the facts out for yourself first, this article is designed to inform people who the enemy is, not single out people of a particular race or people with a particular surname, who may have nothing to do with this Rothschild criminal network.

"Permit me to issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws."

- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

50 years after the Bank of England opened it's doors, Amschel Moses Bauer, an 18th century German Jewish moneychanger and trader in silk cloth in the ghetto, opened a coin shop (a counting house) in 1743 in frankfurt Germany. Over the door he placed a sign depicting a Roman Eagle on a Red Shield. The shop became known as 'The Red Shield Firm' or in German 'Roth-schild' [from Middle High German, rot = 'red' + schilt = 'shield']. When his son 'Amschel Mayer Bauer' inherited the business, he decided to change his name to 'Rothschild'. He soon learned that loaning money to governments and kings was more profitable than loaning to private individuals. Not only were the loans bigger, but they were secured by the nations taxes. The Bauers of the Red Shield, which represented their secret blood-based child sacrifices, changed their name to Rothschild (aka “child of the rock, Satan”).

Also See: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

Mayer Rothschild had 5 sons. He trained them all in the skills of money creation, then sent them out to the major capitals of Europe, to open branch offices of the family banking business.
His first son Amschel Mayer stayed in Frankfurt to mind the hometown bank.
His second son Saloman Mayer, was sent to Vienna.
His third son Nathan, the most clever, was sent to London.
His fourth son Carl, was sent to Naples.
His fifth son Jakob, was sent to Paris.

In 1785, Mayer Amschel moved his entire family to a larger house, a five story dwelling he shared with the 'Schiff'/Scherff Family, who later changed their name to Bush.
This house was known as the 'Green Shield'. The Rothschilds and the Schiffs would play a central role in the rest of European history and in that of the United States.

-Rothschild owns the Bank of England and the London gold bullion exchange where Rothschild sets the daily international market price for gold. 

-Rothschild owns the gold and diamond mines of South Africa and major extractive industries such as Rio Tinto and British Petroleum.
-Rothschild financed England and France in the Napoleonic wars. 

-Rothschild knew who won the Battle of Waterloo a day before the King of England and British investors.
-Rothschild caused a selling panic in the London bond "consul" market intimating to investors that England lost to Napoleon. Bonds issued by the Bank of England to finance the war crashed and sold for pennies on the dollar.
-Rothschild sold to drive the price down and then bought all the bonds back at rock bottom prices. The next day when word of England's victory over Napoleon hit the market, bond prices soared. Rothschild made 40 times his investment in one day on insider knowledge. Rothschild also made 30 percent interest on the gold he loaned to the kings to fight each other.
The king issued bonds as a debt obligation to Rothschild to be paid by future taxes on British citizens. The ensuing debt was so much that Rothschild was able to take over ownership of the Bank of England, which subsequently financed the mercenary German Hessians to fight the American revolutionaries in colonial America because Washington issued its own money called greenbacks. It wasn't about tea.

Rothschild of course owns all of the major European central banks: England, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Belgium – central bank for the Euro. Rothschild partnered with the original seven American families who became the regional depository banks in the US Federal Reserve.

The Bush family and J.P. Morgan are the political and financial dynasties evolved from their original ownership of the Federal Reserve. Political propaganda confuses American citizens into thinking the U.S. government owns and prints its own money.

Not so. Bush, J.P. Morgan and five other banking family institutions own the Federal Reserve in partnership with Rothschild.

Rothschild owns Reuters News Service, which bought the Associated Press. Rothschild owns or virtually controls every major media outlet in America, Europe and Israel.

Rothschild controls the message of who really owns $500 trillion of hidden untaxed wealth equal to half of annual world GDP.

Read more about the Rothschild empire here.

For further information on the banking system, see Feature Articles.

An Illustrated History Of The House Of Rothschild: 1743 - 2006
& The Illuminati Grand Plan

The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds are as oppose to who they claim to be.